Frequently Asked Questions

Where did the Spalter Method come from?

Dr Margalit Spalter PHD curated the Spalter Method, a comprehensive bodywork technique that miraculously creates balance and harmony in people's bodies and lives.

The Spalter Method combines the psychological and the physiological through the use of techniques including; discussion, passive and interactive movement, therapeutic touch and energy work - all in one powerful, holistic therapy.

Learn more about Spalter.

Why the name Standeven with Spalter?

Standeven is Lees' surname, and Spalter is the surname of the curator of the Method-Dr Margalit Spalter.

As the Spalter Method enables people to find their way, stand strong and regain balance in their lives, the name is both literal and factual: Standeven with Spalter!

What does the average Spalter session look like?

No Spalter session is the same.

Clients work with the Spalter practitioner to identify their goals and any issues they would like help with.

It is an interactive process!

Spalter sessions can involve bodywork on the feet and lower legs, movement and breath work, therapeutic touch on the body, and energy work. Sessions can take place on the treatment table, a chair or on the ground, whatever is required.

Each holistic Spalter Method session is tailored to the individual.

Learn more

How will I feel during a treatment?

While participating in Spalter you may feel a sense of deep relaxation and be able to observe your emotions ebb and flow. You may feel sensations of lightness, tingling, pressure, heat or heavy feelings in parts of the body.

Clients experience a wide range of sensations during and after a Spalter session as the body leads the way to healing, restoration and change.

How many treatments will I need?

Depending on your situation Lee may suggest a once-off treatment or a small series of 2-5 treatments.

Many clients experience great change after only one treatment and then return to Spalter only if they are looking for assistance in another area. Others attend appointments and together with Lee work on deeper levels of change in their physical and emotional lives.

Clients are under no obligation to attend multiple appointments and are encouraged to keep in touch with Lee following their initial treatment to discuss their experiences during and following their Spalter session.

What does Spalter help with?

The Spalter Method has been found to help people experiencing from a range of physical health conditions including; migraines, sports injuries, chronic pain, insomnia, reproductive issues, the list is endless. Often people come to Spalter having seen a physio multiple times a week for a lengthy period, or receiving injections from their GP- to no avail.

Spalter is a holistic approach that encompasses a person’s emotional landscape and their interaction with the world around them. Many clients come to Lee with issues surrounding patterns in relationships, feelings of being ‘stuck’, fears, restrictive patterns of behaviour and emotional challenges.

Lee works with children, adolescents and adults.

The Spalter Method helps people to attain greater health and personal freedom- quickly!

How much does a Spalter session cost?

Each Spalter session with Lee Standeven lasts for up to one hour and costs $130 for adults and $115 for children and concessions in Wembley or Dunsborough. Sessions at the Cottesloe studio cost $145 adult, $120 child or concession.

Where are you based?

Standeven with Spalter is based in Wembley and Cottlesoe (Perth), and Dunsborough, Western Australia.

Is there anywhere else that I can receive Spalter Method sessions?

No, not in Australia! Lee Standeven is the only practitioner of the Spalter Method in Australia.

Read more about Lee and Dr Margalit Spalter.

Can I find you on Social Media?

Yes! Connect with us on facebook or instagram to share your experience with the Spalter Method.

How Do I Book?

You can view available appointment times and book easily online today!

 What people are saying about Spalter… 5 stars!